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Lesson Titles

Week 1 New Birth in Christ - Salvation

Week 2 The Confession of our Faith - Water Baptism

Week 3 Growing in the Faith - Discipleship

Week 4 Sharing your Story - Witnessing

Week 5 Loving our Neighbor  -Who is my Neighbor

Week 6 Armor Up Part 1 - Knowing our Enemy

Week 7 Armor Up Daily Part 2 - Advancing the Kingdom

Week 8 Armor Up Living Victoriously - In our everyday world

Week 9 Temptation Alley - How to Overcome

Week 10 So How's Your Fruit Growing - The Fruit of the Spirit

Week 11 What Real Joy Is - Being Content Philippians 

Week 12 Getting ready for the return of Jesus - The Return Parable

Week 13 Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth - Wrap Up 

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